“Creativity is a lifetime subject to learn and improve. I make robots and AIs to enhance creativity, not to replace it.”
Shun Matsuzaka started his career in advertising from the media planning side before moving to the creative side intrigued by solving client problems with creative ideas. His work has won several awards including Cannes Lions, Spikes Asia, New York festival and Internationalist Awards.
He is also the founder of an Innovation team “McCANN MILLENNIALS,” and is in charge of leading 60+ young McCann Worldgroup members leveraging his experience in the innovative marketing industry. With his innovative vision, Shun leads several projects including inventing the world’s first artificial intelligence creative director and the world’s first mindfulness meditation led by an AI robot to increase human creativity.
As AI starts to gain momentum, people think about the possibility to have a robot to help in the creative process. Creativity is the result of curiosity. Or some say the two are the ideal team in order to launch new products and services or to share great ideas. It is clear that imagination is only the beginning of the process. Thus the question, can a robot have an imagination?
As creativity can change the world and technology is growing, people start to be more and more curious about how AI can help with the creative process.

For Cristina Gherman, Global Brands Director at Ursus Breweries, technology, automated processes and artificial robots represents both an advantage and disadvantage for creativity; it can help in order to benefit of a continue development and to create better and competitive products or services. On the other hand, people can get used to have others to think and to work on their behalf, without having the curiosity to improve their work. Creativity is people`s advantage and it cannot be replaced as it is continuous evolution.
Furthermore, Cristina defines creativity as a combination of curiosity and imagination, in order to discover new ideas or to improve the work process. She adds that “when I was a little girl, I did not consider myself a creative person; I thought only those who produce art expressions or music can be called creative. Over time, I changed my perspective and now I truly believe that every person is creative in her unique way – from time management during the day to the improvement of a process or a new invention. Everything is creativity and it can change our life and the world around.”
The founder of McCann Millennials, Shun will join IAA Global Conference – Creativity Can Change the World, on 24-25th of October. Prior to his official speech at the event, Cristina had the opportunity to ask him a series of questions in order to reveal more information about millennials and artificial intelligence.
1. What does creativity mean for you?
Creativity is a lifetime subject to learn and improve.
2. If creativity is an unlimited resource, how do you harvest your team’s creativity?
“JUST MAKE IT” to harvest the creative ideas. There are too many great ideas from too many creative brains already. They are just too lazy to make it happen, although everyone can be a maker with one smartphone.
3. Could you share a life story (personal or professional life) on how creativity improved the world? It could very well be a story of how an unconventional, „crazy idea” saved the day, a story on how lateral thinking helped you come up with a better solution.
The story behind AI-CD β – The reason why I created AI-CD β is because when I started McCANN MILLENNAILS, an open innovation taskforce with millennial generation in Tokyo, we did not have a creative director. We needed to ask the manager to authorize too many things to proceed projects without a director. So I came up with the idea of making my boss by using an algorithm. It speeded up everything we do with McCANN MILLENNIALS since we finish creating AI-CD β. And now it is starting to enhance human creativity.
4. Creativity today is it done still by human minds or we transfer it mostly to artificial intelligence (ie robots taking over human creativity). We are interested to understand if with the present technology, humans are getting ‘lazy’ and transferring the creativity to robots/ machines. What’s your view on this?
I think creative is for both human and AI. I do not know whether or not AI will take over our creative work. My working concept is “Co-creation” between human and technology. I make robots and AIs to enhance creativity, not to replace it.
Ursus – A teaser on Creativity series is part of IAA Global Conference – Creativity Can Change the World, the event will take place on October 24-25, at The National Opera House in Bucharest.
For more information please visit www.creativity4better.com.